Listening to Creation
"The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the works of His hands." - Psalm 19:1
As we learn to grow in attentiveness, it is beneficial to consider the universe God has created. In Psalm 19, David poetically invites us to consider the physical world God spoke into existence as it points us to the words He has spoken to reveal Himself. Nature's non-verbal presence serves as a reminder to slow down and contemplate the who behind what is.
While creation doesn't speak with words, it does - at times - communicate with sound. The bird's song, the sound of crickets, the babble of a brook, and even the undetectable-to-our-human-ear sound of the stars reveals a world beyond our control. Paul writes how all creation groans with the expectant pains of childbirth as it eagerly awaits the revealing of the children of God. Listening to creation points us to who God is and reminds us of who we are. While Romans 8 includes future application, it includes present implications. Created as vice-regents representing God's rule, we are called to steward and considerately care for His world. This vocation isn't just something to come, but something we begin to exercise now!
As you enter this week, be mindful of the world we inhabit. Take a walk. Find a place outdoors to sit a while. Pay attention to what you are paying attention to. The colors of the flowers, the sounds of the evening, the breeze we feel are all opportunities to be intentionally redirected toward our relationship of God!