Value: Spiritual Formation
Where do you make your home? Not physically, but where do you spend your time mentally, emotionally, and spiritually? Wherever you find yourself has a soul-shaping influence that becomes evident in your actions, interactions, and reactions.
In John 15, Jesus is in the space between the Last Supper and Crucifixion. After sharing about the promised Holy Spirit at the end of chapter 14, He invites His followers to abide in Him. Using the picture of a vine and branches, Jesus shares the desire and intention that His followers produce fruit. This fruit is synonymous with Christlikeness. The fruit produced in us - Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, etc. - is meant to reflect the mind, attitude, and actions of Christ. As image bearers being restored, we reflect the demeanor and deeds of Christ in the power of Christ. Christlikeness is the goal of the Christian life!
Spiritual Formation is one of our top values here at Oak Hill. This journey in abiding and growing in Christ takes intentionality. Practicing honesty, repentance, and surrender as we participate in the various spiritual disciplines and practices found in Scripture is important. Relying on the Holy Spirit in each moment of the day is just as critical to our growth. As branches, our job is not to produce fruit - but to abide in the vine. This week, reflect on what is being produced in your life. Are you abiding in bitterness? Fear? Anger? Expectations of others? You have the invitation to abide in Christ. Remain in His love!