First of All: Resisting Deception
"In [Jesus] are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. I am saying this so that no one will deceive you with arguments that sound reasonable." Colossians 2:3-4
We are called to walk in truth as followers of Jesus. When we embrace truth, we naturally resist deception. We see in our passage yesterday how there were some in Colossae who were potentially misleading Colossian believers by presenting ideas that seemed like they aligned with Christianity, but in fact were false. These were "reasonable sounding arguments" making a case that, to attain true transcendence, there was a special knowledge they had to attain to. Or perhaps there was a cosmic secret that would unlock their fullest potential along with certain practices they needed to do to be truly holy. Paul points them back and says you already have all that and more in Christ Jesus!
The areas we treasure are the areas we are most vulnerable to deception. As we continue into this week, I pray that we continue to grow in gospel-literacy. My hope is the truths of Jesus' good news become so saturated in our hearts and minds that we won't be fooled by things promising what we already have in Christ!