Confession & Cross
The Suffering Servant. “Jesus teaches service
instead of domination, and sacrifice instead of
conquest... Yet the great paradox of the Christian
faith is that by serving we lead, and by sacrificing
our lives we gain the kingdom.” (Mark Strauss)
Perceptions of Jesus. Across the world and the
centuries Jesus is perceived in various ways. Muslims
believe he is a Prophet, which he is. However, Jesus is
more than a Prophet. Others might think he is a wise
teacher, which he is. However, Jesus is more than a
wise teacher. Jesus is the Messiah, the Christ, who
redeems his people.
Costly Discipleship. “The paradox of salvation is
that it costs us nothing, yet it costs us everything.
Salvation comes through faith alone, apart from any
works that we can do (Eph 2:8–9). Yet to depend on
Christ for salvation means giving up your old life,
with its pride, conceit, and ambition. Jesus says if
you want to be his disciple, you must “deny
yourself,” that is, renounce any claim to your own
life and live wholly for God.” (Mark Strauss)